Sunday, January 17, 2010

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accepted defeat and greets sebastian Sebastiab

official candidate called for the sectors to form a center-left opposition bloc to maintain and continue the policies implemented by the Coalition.
Accompanied by former Presidents Patricio Aylwin and Ricardo Lagos, in addition to the spokeswoman Carolina Toha and Ricardo Lagos Weber, among other members of his team and family, Eduardo Frei acknowledged his derrota.
“Quiero felicitar a Sebastián Piñera, la mayoría de los chilenos le ha dado la confianza para que conduzca los destinos del país”, dijo.
En un emocionado discurso, el candidato de la Concertación afirmó que la entrega del gobierno a la Alianza por Chile, luego de 20 años al mando de la nación, “es sólo un alto en el camino” y aseguró que continuará “nuestra búsqueda para lograr cada vez más justicia social”.
Asimismo, el senador demócrata cristiano destacó los logros de los gobierno concertacionistas en estas dos décadas. “Chile es mucho mejor que el país que recibimos el año 90”, sentenció.
Frei called on the areas of center-left to "maintain the unity achieved" to form an opposition bloc of the future government pineapple. "We will be guardians of freedom and social gains we have achieved," he said.
The flag would not do a mea culpa for the loss. "Tomorrow is the time to analyze what happened."

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pineapple pineapple is the new president of Chile Chilean striker

Ignacio Ortiz
especialEl Posted billionaire businessman Sebastian Pinera, 60, today became the first president elected in Chile right since 1958, having imposed tight in the second round of elections with 51.61 percent of the vote against 48.39 percent of party candidate Eduardo Frei. Michelle Bachelet welcomed his successor telephone.

Just four hours after the close of the first tables, the Deputy Interior Minister Patrick Roseberry, reported that 99.2 percent of polling stations, Piñera gathered 3,565,050 votes to 3,340,308 Frei , while 2.62 percent had zero votes and 0.75 percent in blanco.Un while later, Piñera appeared publicly at the headquarters of the electoral command, in a hotel in downtown Santiago, with Frei, who had went to greet him with his wife and president hijas.El Chile elected then said that "today more than ever need unity" because the problems facing "very big" and claimed "that was the democracy of the agreements" in the early years of the 90's, after recovery constitutional life, when the two contestants of today were Senators nacionales.Frei quickly admitted his defeat, even when the results were known only 60 percent of the tables, "congratulated his opponent and the fact that the first election defeat Coalition for Democracy in 20 years "is just a stop along the way" because the "ideal" of "social justice and equal opportunities" coalition "will be expressed in every corner of Chile." President Michelle Bachelet also, who came to this election with unprecedented popularity rate near 80 percent-had already phoned his congratulations Piñera and in dialogue transmitted by most broadcasters televisión.Tanto Bachelet as Chile's Frei-who was head of state between 1994 and 2000 - claimed the efforts of the coalition, which ruled the country uninterruptedly since the democratic restoration in 1990

Saturday, January 16, 2010

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less effective than buy Chilean

by Chilean
the world on the new coat that word spreads that limit the Chilean players in various European teams but very few people are there. But the German press the Chilean players are less effective alos Peruvian players. View a Peruvian in the field is to observe the elegance with the ball assure a spokesman for a European Journal. Claudio Pizarro for me is one of the best strikers in the world for sure. anything that chile no, the privilege may be sure that newspaper spokesman. The Chilean zuazo is good player but lacks the quality and elegance of a certain striker in Europe.

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foulbrood As for not believing his eyes could see the city tacna eroica. Chilean newspapers from entering 5mil novedad.Asimismo not said a large number of visitors usually make views of one to three days to tourist attractions and cuisine, "which means an important move for the hotel industry and restaurants in the region .
At another point he said that while the Chilean public is an important part of the socioeconomic reality of the region, it is also true that due to a number of factors including the global crisis, the number of visitors compared to previous months and years has suffered a decline. The question is why desir peru this or another relative is the country where thousands of Chileans usually aser shopping for your business and even more hands Made for Peruvian products.

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masivamante Chileans abroad vote symbolically

Eight thousand Chileans voted symbolically in different countries worldwide. Many of them already have their favorite candidates to choose as president. First of all is a kind of protest. What we are trying to make is that the prohibition of Chileans vote abroad is one of many faults that have the democratic system in Chile, "said John Charney, a spokesman for the reflection group formed last summer by 13 Chilean graduate students.