Monday, March 15, 2010

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Amanalco, Mex.- Al conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Mujer, la Presidenta del DIF municipal, María del Rocío Vilchis Luis, reconoció las valiosas aportaciones que han efectuado cada una de las amanalquenses al desarrollo económico de la demarcación, del estado y del país.
En un acto celebrado en el auditorio de la Cabecera, la titular del DIF de Amanalco señaló que desde la más humilde hasta la más prominent women in the municipality generate prosperity and public peace.
stressed the importance that has become an increasingly strong participation of women in various sectors of public life and said Amanalco have demonstrated that females are able to be successful in any field.
"In this day commemorates the struggle of women for their participation on an equal footing with men in society and their full development as a person," he said.
"I want all women to send a big congratulations on the important role they play and work every day and also I invite you to continue to improve and strive to meet their ideals and show that we are important and necessary in society. "
During the celebration, the President of the municipal DIF gave gifts to women and witnessed several cultural and artistic activities.