Friday, March 4, 2011

What Fabric Should I Use For A Pencil Skirt

Enrique Peña in Hacienda Nueva Delivery Payments for Environmental Services

Amanalco, Mex .- The implementation of the program Payment for Hydrological Environmental Services will ensure the sustainability of forests amanalquenses the benefit of millions of inhabitants of central Mexico, considered the municipal president, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin, who called it a wise measure, innovative and precedent in the government work on environmental conservation.
In welcoming the state governor, Enrique Peña Nieto, the mayor acknowledged that ejidatarios will benefit broadly and may continue with greater determination of action to protect, maintain and increase forest cover. "
acknowledged that the absence of a payment to the holders of the forest of the entity has a sustainable funding source to encourage putting forest preservation and thus, achieve economic sustainability of communities nestled in these areas.
"We express our gratitude to your government, the importance that is to have that stable funding source," he reiterated with more than five thousand people to the community Hacienda Nueva, where he held the president's state visit.
Guadarrama Colin took the opportunity to thank the Mexican governor's support it has provided through the Ministry of Environment as the construction of eco-techniques, the provision of a truck solid waste collection because, he said, "these comprehensively strengthen the environment "the municipality.

The municipal president ended his speech by highlighting that the City is headed "his example, a working example, with one of the best strategies to meet each of the commitments both state municipal "and assure that people and their authorities are "grateful, Mr. Governor, met the commitments and the support they give us daily."
In turn, the Mexican governor, Enrique Peña Nieto, referred to as an action program just to those who safeguard the forests of the state, because it is designed as a mechanism of self-financing and support.
explained that by paying water users mexiquenses made, 3.5 percent of shares, formed an initial fund of 230 million pesos, which will be expanded.
Simultaneously, the state government is about to reach the figure of 100 million trees replanted along and breadth of State of Mexico, and established a mechanism that rewards those who achieve the survival of over 70 percent of the trees.
Near the end of his speech, Peña Nieto recalled that Becerra Amanalco municipality has a particularly distinctive because when I visited in the field most people gave him hospitality and care.
"Becerra Amanalco have for your server, including memory in the memory, when we began the tour of the state to solicit the support and confidence of the State of Mexico, that led us to be on this responsibility of being the Mexican governor."

"So it gives me particular gladly return to Amanalco. I remember that event in the center of this town where we had a great concentration of people who answered our call. Today I return to tell the amanalquenses we met, he fulfilled a Amanalco and we are doing across the state of Mexico.
"Amanalco has been a town that has benefited from these government actions, has more space for education, has a better road infrastructure and project reflects what we have done throughout the state. Toluca-Amanalco road was one of the first commitments to fulfill, after many years he was in terrible condition.
and ended with the sentence: "Amanalco Thanks for your hospitality, for being a friend of the governor of the state."