Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ct Scan Revealed Enlarged Uterus

Commitment Starts Construction of the 4th Women Campaign Amanalco

in San Juan ....

Gerardo Colin Compliance Starts Campaign 4 º Commitment

* modernize streets of downtown San Juan 1 st section.
* The rehabilitation of the school façade also a reality.
* Amanalco is one of the municipalities allowed by the governor, Enrique Peña, president warned the representative of Mexico State, Eduardo Rodriguez Estrada.

Pursuant to its word before a notary public, the municipal president, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin start construction work on the streets of downtown San Juan 1 st section, the fact that modernization means road infrastructure and local services.
During the event, which also were given other support to the population, munícipe PRI, said that the upgrading of roads, based on stamped concrete, in the 1 st section of San Juan, is the fourth commitment to serving the offered during the election campaign in the summer of 2009.
"I did not come empty handed to San Juan but to respond to commitments in signed before a notary public campaign, as it has taught us the governor, Enrique Peña Nieto," he said during his brief speech in which stated that in recent months have made projections to achieve start the work.
recalled that the commitment was also fulfill the campaign promises but not touching the budget, but should manage multiple instances of additional resources, he said, that was what was done.
"As we face in the campaign, we ask the favor of being workers and public servants" Now, in the same way, but now returns with actions that seek to fulfill what was promised.
Guadarrama Colin thanked the confidence of the citizens of San Juan gives the City Council and reiterated that meet not just a phrase but a chain of events that result in functional works, satisfactory and relevant to each of the populations.
recalled that the work starts, the previous administration's planned but never made it. However, the current PRI municipal government, aware of the importance and the great benefits that implies, the program again and even the promised offerings within the campaign.
He said that the work will be completed in a month and predicted that only the first of several actions and works to be carried out in sections of San Juan.
In answering the accusations of some critics that he is the brother of the former mayor, former local MP, former federal deputy and now undersecretary of Ecology, Mary Colin Mercedes Guadarrama, Mayor Gerardo Guadarrama Colin replied that proudly proclaims to be the brother of one of the most outstanding women not only Amanalco but the state of Mexico and the country.
"I wanted to be president to give continuity to the works in his Mercedes when I met Colin. Is proud to be the brother of Mercedes Colin, is a woman who has come so far and that's a huge responsibility. Because if Mercedes fulfilled, Gerardo can not stay behind. "
In turn, the regional office responsible, Eduardo Rodríguez Estrada noted that the municipality of Amanalco is one of the most favored by the administration State Governor Enrique Peña Nieto, because authorities have shown genuine interest in the collective progress.
"Amanalco Township has been one of her in this region by the state administration. The borough has benefited from almost all social programs you because the governor, Enrique Peña Nieto, has found its mayor, its council and residents look forward to working, which may be established later with the works conducted in all communities in our municipality. "
Finally, it should be mentioned that during the event will also give nearly fifty latex paint to rehabilitate la fachada de la escuela Juan Aldama ubicada en la 2ª sección de San Juan y, de igual forma, se entregaron vales de material para iniciar los trabajos de construcción de calles en la 2ª sección de San Jerónimo.


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