Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hom Make Sausage Filler As Pvc

* Environmental Preservation focus for development in the municipality
Amanalco, Mex .- In the coming weeks to begin construction of nearly 300 ecotecnias throughout the municipal territory, which means that an equal number of families will have domestic infrastructure to use natural resources without plundering the environment, which considered the mayor, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin.
In a ceremony held at the Municipal Center, attended by members of the regional office of the State Government and the Environment Secretary, Maria Mercedes Colin, the munícipe recalled that environmental preservation is one of the main slogans of the City because Amanalco that is located in one of the most lush watershed in the nation.
Hence the count with a high density forest, fauna and flora as well as an enviable wealth of water and estimated that one of the main tasks of citizenship Amanalco is precisely "to care for natural resources to improve the quality of life of the Village House."
Therefore, the City Council and the Environment Secretariat of Mexico N: the state agreed to promote the construction and create 300 units of eco-techniques, in other words, means that a similar number of families can develop water storage tanks rain, stoves saving fuel and dry toilets. Domestic
This infrastructure will have a prime role in marginal areas or where infrastructure services is still weak, because it ensures the supply of drinking water even in dry season with tanks, reduced the collection of fuelwood saving stoves and improved containment of stool in communities where no sewer or water collectors waste. Gerardo Colin
expressed its sincere appreciation to the Secretariat of the Environment State of Mexico for the support he gave and that in comparison, represent a large number of beneficiaries.
"My sincere thanks for the support, which undoubtedly will improve the quality of life of families today amanalquenses receive it. To convey greetings to Mr. Governor and the Secretary of Environment, thanking the performance of his word and our commitment to further strengthening the project with government work. "
acknowledged that the government headed by Enrique Peña Nieto environmental policy has received special attention and at the moment, there are tangible and substantial achievements, so Amanalco City Council makes every effort to maximize goals in the field.
In turn, the undersecretary of the Environment, said Maria Mercedes Colin also be delivered bins and garbage cans for school buildings the town, because it is possible to reduce the environmental degradation from human activity.
ecotecnias said that of delivering at least 120 are water storage tanks and 67 rain are saving stoves. The mechanics is simple, he said, because the Ministry of Environment will provide the materials for its construction, the family will benefit labor and municipal government support with aggregates such as gravel and sand. Maria Mercedes
welcomed the large participation shown to receive these projects and said that through unity of effort can go further in preserving the environment.
"We make a great team to work effectively with the benefit ecotecnias path in each of their homes because of environmental conservation is central to development policy of the state government and is not a minor issue, "he said.


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