Monday, September 28, 2009

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Cochabamba Cholito GANO MISS VENEZUELA 2009

IDEO. For the second time, the local "My Cholita II" organized a contest to choose the most beautiful cholita of 40 candidates proud of their skirts, from La Paz, Tarija, Potosí and Cochabamba. Basilia Ayopaya Mamani, was the winner of the crown and the 5 thousand Bolivians offered as a prize for the prettiest.

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The Venezuelan team continues to make history to realize its first World Cup thrashing Tahiti before the selection of 8 goals to 0. Venezuela
accumulate 6 points with this result that ensure a mathematical classification to the next stage and is second in Group B Esapaña leading on goal difference.
The burgundy rose early to Tahiti in the 4th minute when Francisco Flores, captain, centered the ball to a failure to collect a header from Salomon Rondon break network and give the advantage to Venezuela.
When playing 19 minutes a ball again stopped action gave new both to the national team. Rondón executed corner kick on the near post who headed José Manuel Velasquez's second goal to give the Vinotinto.
When playing 25 minutes, a foul on the last player to burgundy in the area resulted in the direct removal setencia Faatiarau and the maximum penalty for Venezuela. Again Salomon Rondon, who in his second game, was asked to assume the responsibility to run complied fully clockwise and set the third goal of Venezuelans.
Selection Tahiti had to overcome a new obstacle in minute 37 when, for yellow card accumulation Rochette Garry left the team with only 9 players on the court.
In the second half of Venezuela took the field with more ease and took the ball looking for new opportunities to score. On 72 minutes broke the new Creole reaction in 20 minutes scored 5 goals.
In minute 72, Oscar Rojas claimed the failure with left leg over the barrier and enters the fourth goal of Venezuela. Only 6 minutes later, Valley Yonathan mark his second of the tournament. Topped the ball to give the fifth goal against Venezuela. Yonathan
Valley, added another goal on 88 minutes with a right footed shot, which became his third goal in two games. Already in the discount
Venezuela scored two goals in two minutes. Already in the 90th minute (+1) Del Valle, leading scorer in the selection tricolor with 4 goals in two games, finished Parra center for the seventh goal of the burgundy and 90 (+2) Salomon Rondon sealed marker with a new top of the arc of Tahiti, which is now no chance of qualifying with two defeats to his credit.
The burgundy Thursday will face the also undefeated Spain for defining the top of Group B match in which the coach Cesar Farias may dispose of all its staff because in the two matches played by Venezuela no player has been cautioned.

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Chancellors Falconi Fander Jaime Bermudez and agreed to resume ties
Agenda set to discuss security issues and border development
Posted: 2009/09/26Quito and Bogota. DPA. After a closed door meeting, the foreign ministers of Ecuador and Colombia, Jaime Bermúdez Fander Falconi and, respectively, agreed to resume trade ties after a break of diplomatic relations in 2008.
At the end of the meeting the ministers announced that they expected to resume next month relations through responsible business and should be three working structure for this purpose within a fortnight.
Topics discussed will be safety committees and control of crime and border development. Ministers also announced a provision of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Carter Center, in order to reach agreement on "sensitive issues."
"The important thing is that there is political will to restore diplomatic relations by business managers and we will try to move forward," Bermudez said the chancellor from the city of New York.
Agreement defined rules. The two foreign ministers issued a joint statement by eleven points and among other things, Ecuador reiterates that "does not condone or tolerate" the presence of irregular armed groups in its territory and that any armed attack is repelled, while Colombia was committed to "not make military or security operations in Ecuador. "
Ecuador and Colombia broke diplomatic relations in March 2008 following a Colombian military bombing on Ecuadorian territory against a clandestine camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), which dropped 26 people and among them, the guerrilla leader known as Raul Reyes. The agreement
issued quoted "the governments of Colombia and Ecuador recognized the importance of advancing the positive agenda and agree to revive the Neighborhood Commissions. They value the bonds of brotherhood and expressed their desire to build a new bilateral relationship based on mutual respect. "
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La Paz, 28 sep (EFE) .- Bolivia's government today rejected the "insults" against President Evo Morales, Peruvian Congressman Luis Gonzales Posada official who, according to local press, he advised the Bolivian leader to seek "psychiatric treatment" to control his attacks on Peru.
Bolivian Vice Minister of Government Coordination, Wilfredo Chavez, today gave a lecture at the Government Palace in La Paz to meet with fellow former Foreign Minister of Peru.
Chavez said Gonzales Posada's words are "out of all places," are "an insult" and "a tirade" against Morales.
According to the press published today in La Paz, Gonzales recommended "psychiatric treatment" and accused Morales of disengaging America, in response to the president's words in Isla Margarita said "before the offenders escaped to the U.S., now escape to Lima. "
Chavez said Wednesday that the ruling referred to the three former ministers Bolivia accused of genocide that have benefited from the political asylum granted by the government of Alan García.
These are former ministers Mirtha Quevedo, Jorge Torres and Javier Torres, the second government of former President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada (2002-2003), accused of genocide for his alleged guilt of more than 60 deaths in the crackdown on protests 2003.
"It is outrageous that go to the rant, insult when we have laws and by international agreements binding on States to fulfill them," Chavez said.
The Bolivian official insisted that Peru must comply with internal rules that prohibit, he said, giving political asylum to people who are charged of crimes against humanity.
For his part, Foreign Ministry sources confirmed that today I finally was sent to Lima court papers to formally request the extradition of three former ministers Bolivians.
The documentation should have left last Friday but, as acknowledged by the foreign ministry, that day there was a delay of travel of staff due to lack of airline tickets.