Monday, September 28, 2009

Chocolate Cake Of A Bicycle


La Paz, 28 sep (EFE) .- Bolivia's government today rejected the "insults" against President Evo Morales, Peruvian Congressman Luis Gonzales Posada official who, according to local press, he advised the Bolivian leader to seek "psychiatric treatment" to control his attacks on Peru.
Bolivian Vice Minister of Government Coordination, Wilfredo Chavez, today gave a lecture at the Government Palace in La Paz to meet with fellow former Foreign Minister of Peru.
Chavez said Gonzales Posada's words are "out of all places," are "an insult" and "a tirade" against Morales.
According to the press published today in La Paz, Gonzales recommended "psychiatric treatment" and accused Morales of disengaging America, in response to the president's words in Isla Margarita said "before the offenders escaped to the U.S., now escape to Lima. "
Chavez said Wednesday that the ruling referred to the three former ministers Bolivia accused of genocide that have benefited from the political asylum granted by the government of Alan GarcĂ­a.
These are former ministers Mirtha Quevedo, Jorge Torres and Javier Torres, the second government of former President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada (2002-2003), accused of genocide for his alleged guilt of more than 60 deaths in the crackdown on protests 2003.
"It is outrageous that go to the rant, insult when we have laws and by international agreements binding on States to fulfill them," Chavez said.
The Bolivian official insisted that Peru must comply with internal rules that prohibit, he said, giving political asylum to people who are charged of crimes against humanity.
For his part, Foreign Ministry sources confirmed that today I finally was sent to Lima court papers to formally request the extradition of three former ministers Bolivians.
The documentation should have left last Friday but, as acknowledged by the foreign ministry, that day there was a delay of travel of staff due to lack of airline tickets.


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