Monday, September 28, 2009

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Chancellors Falconi Fander Jaime Bermudez and agreed to resume ties
Agenda set to discuss security issues and border development
Posted: 2009/09/26Quito and Bogota. DPA. After a closed door meeting, the foreign ministers of Ecuador and Colombia, Jaime Bermúdez Fander Falconi and, respectively, agreed to resume trade ties after a break of diplomatic relations in 2008.
At the end of the meeting the ministers announced that they expected to resume next month relations through responsible business and should be three working structure for this purpose within a fortnight.
Topics discussed will be safety committees and control of crime and border development. Ministers also announced a provision of the Organization of American States (OAS) and Carter Center, in order to reach agreement on "sensitive issues."
"The important thing is that there is political will to restore diplomatic relations by business managers and we will try to move forward," Bermudez said the chancellor from the city of New York.
Agreement defined rules. The two foreign ministers issued a joint statement by eleven points and among other things, Ecuador reiterates that "does not condone or tolerate" the presence of irregular armed groups in its territory and that any armed attack is repelled, while Colombia was committed to "not make military or security operations in Ecuador. "
Ecuador and Colombia broke diplomatic relations in March 2008 following a Colombian military bombing on Ecuadorian territory against a clandestine camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), which dropped 26 people and among them, the guerrilla leader known as Raul Reyes. The agreement
issued quoted "the governments of Colombia and Ecuador recognized the importance of advancing the positive agenda and agree to revive the Neighborhood Commissions. They value the bonds of brotherhood and expressed their desire to build a new bilateral relationship based on mutual respect. "
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