Saturday, February 27, 2010

Engagement Card Sayings

CODEMUM role model adopted to implement more than 23 million pesos

transparent and participatory in meeting the Municipal Development Council (CODEMUN) approved the application of 23 million 130 thousand 350 pesos Fund Municipal Social Investment (FISM) in the 52 communities that comprise the territory of Amanalco Becerra. Led
the workshop by the municipal president, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin, very early, we analyzed the general amounts to different areas of social investment and, at the end of the session, it was agreed that a significant portion of resources are directed to public works.
In this way the representatives of the 52 communities that make up the territory over municipal officials who also have the charge into the CODEMUM directors approved the distribution and execution of the 23 million 313 thousand 350 pesos.
During the meeting, which was one of the longest, they listened to the concerns of each board, contributions were discussed and agreed decisions that will benefit the population of the municipality.
Also under this participatory environment, is named Ramón Jiménez Eduardo Rebollo, as Secretary of the Municipal Development Council and Abelino Lucas García, as a member of Control and Supervision of the same. Similarly
validated directors CODEMUM the Rules of Procedure which will operate and will apply throughout the fiscal year 2010.
After the meeting, the Municipal President, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin, PRI extraction was pleased that once again was the decision of the people's representatives, who gave shape and direction to the implementation of budgetary resources
Hoped that each of the actions that are taken are of broad FISM and solve collective benefit, gradually, the historic remnants of the communities, because he warned, the current administration working overtime to achieve better quality of public services and of life of families amanalquenses.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Easiest State To Be Registered As Pe

Urgent works to incorporate Amanalco National Fund for Disaster Victims

Amanalco President asks for resources of the National Disaster

* help reverse the damages suffered by about 3 thousand victims. * Urgent agricultural relief program in disaster areas.
* More than 15 000 films will be distributed to families of affected communities.
* Tourist routes safe and in normal use.

The atypical rainfall recorded over the past days three and 5 February killed at least 3 000 people affected and nearly 500 hectares of agricultural land affected, revealed the mayor, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin when balancing damage.
recalled that the flooding of the river Amanalco which occurred on the fourth day, led to severe effects in the towns of San Mateo, San Sebastian Chico San Bartolo and parts of San Juan and San Jerónimo, which caused the evacuation of dozens of people.
also the unusual amount of water that fell on the territory amanalquense be severely affected agriculture since at least 500 hectares of peas, beans, beans, sunflower and bird of paradise were completely devastated.
Instantly, the City turned the assistance to the affected population, first helping to leave their homes when they searched the water level rise amid the persistent rain and the installation of shelters for the storm as it passed garrison .
Without even stopped raining and almost a few hours of the evacuation of families from San Juan, San Bartolo and San Jerónimo, and City Hall started the distribution of films to make it easier for people to repair their homes. Gerardo Colin
similarly noted that there are still housing homeless in January 31 when a hail punched tin roofs of 200 houses humble and then very strong winds uprooted many more.
Given the magnitude of the damage and the urgency to assist people to repair houses and make room to launch an emergency program to support farmers who lost everything, asked the federal government to analyze the feasibility the municipality to incorporate the benefits of the National Disaster Fund program with that much progress could be made.
"It is very important, mainly because we are a town in extreme poverty. We highly marginalized areas and no jobs. Many are dedicated to the field and claims are left with nothing, "he reiterated.
"We all want the world to support them, but not enough for us. SAGARPA efforts to continue, but hopefully we can get to the bottom. "
noted that in recent times have been calls for more support of blankets, food pantries and medical teams to the state leadership of the Secretariat for Civil Protection and Development Social State of Mexico (SEDESEM).
stressed that in the last hours have been delivered around 7 000 families registered plates damaged the roofs of their homes, but anticipated that over the week, the figure could fluctuate by 15 thousand sheets delivered to the citizenship.
"You are not alone, we will do everything possible to help them care for their families and mitigate the effects of rain and cold," said the mayor, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin and promised that in coming days to meet with delegates from all communities to better understand the requirements of people who suffered damage from various causes and have received no help.
"After these deliveries, then we will see each of the villages to meet with the delegates to see what is required. We would not spend more, but at this time defintivamente can not say that no remedy has to seek funding and the solution. "

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Milena Velba Breast Milk Pumping

victims offered support Gerardo Colin

municipal * The President visited the affected areas

Amanalco, Mex .- "You are not alone, we will do everything possible to help them care for their families and mitigate the effects of rain and cold, "said the mayor, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin to go to the town of San Juan, where heavy rainfall has caused flooding in some homes and communal areas.
Accompanied by the directors of strategic areas of support to the civilian population, the mayor visited throughout the day, communities where the ravages of rain and hail sudden tin roofs have been drilled in communities nestled in the woods. Guadarrama Colin
narrated that the morning of Jan. 31 a large shower with chunks of ice bigger than a tennis ball, damaged 40 homes in the communities of San Mateo, San Sebastian Chico, San Bartolo and parts of San Juan and St. Jerome. "
However, the situation became more complicated since last Tuesday, 2 February when heavy rains began that ended up flooding some areas of San Juan, San Jeronimo and larger puddles along the municipality.
The red alert was experienced on the evening of February 4 when the flood hit several houses San Juan-room and communal areas. The mayor moved to assist relief efforts and provide support to those affected.
In a preliminary assessment, the mayor quantified by at least 500 thousand affected by rains, winds and hail of cold fronts 27 and 28.
Surrounded by numerous people who gave them support and inspected their health, Gerardo Colin said: "We will help solve the problem, to see how you do, but the help will follow."
"We share their concern that the rains continue, we are on the lookout to assist them to care for their physical integrity and in days to come will be given the supports. You are not alone we are supporting will make even the impossible to get resources to mitigate the effects of weather. " Gerardo
Colin also stressed that a partial balance reported at the time amanalquense farmers have lost more than 100 hectares Frijid culture, peas, corn and many greenhouses have severe damage.
said that in recent times have been calls for more support of blankets, food pantries and medical teams to the Municipal Civil Protection and Social Development Secretariat of the State of Mexico (SEDESEM).