Thursday, February 4, 2010

Milena Velba Breast Milk Pumping

victims offered support Gerardo Colin

municipal * The President visited the affected areas

Amanalco, Mex .- "You are not alone, we will do everything possible to help them care for their families and mitigate the effects of rain and cold, "said the mayor, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin to go to the town of San Juan, where heavy rainfall has caused flooding in some homes and communal areas.
Accompanied by the directors of strategic areas of support to the civilian population, the mayor visited throughout the day, communities where the ravages of rain and hail sudden tin roofs have been drilled in communities nestled in the woods. Guadarrama Colin
narrated that the morning of Jan. 31 a large shower with chunks of ice bigger than a tennis ball, damaged 40 homes in the communities of San Mateo, San Sebastian Chico, San Bartolo and parts of San Juan and St. Jerome. "
However, the situation became more complicated since last Tuesday, 2 February when heavy rains began that ended up flooding some areas of San Juan, San Jeronimo and larger puddles along the municipality.
The red alert was experienced on the evening of February 4 when the flood hit several houses San Juan-room and communal areas. The mayor moved to assist relief efforts and provide support to those affected.
In a preliminary assessment, the mayor quantified by at least 500 thousand affected by rains, winds and hail of cold fronts 27 and 28.
Surrounded by numerous people who gave them support and inspected their health, Gerardo Colin said: "We will help solve the problem, to see how you do, but the help will follow."
"We share their concern that the rains continue, we are on the lookout to assist them to care for their physical integrity and in days to come will be given the supports. You are not alone we are supporting will make even the impossible to get resources to mitigate the effects of weather. " Gerardo
Colin also stressed that a partial balance reported at the time amanalquense farmers have lost more than 100 hectares Frijid culture, peas, corn and many greenhouses have severe damage.
said that in recent times have been calls for more support of blankets, food pantries and medical teams to the Municipal Civil Protection and Social Development Secretariat of the State of Mexico (SEDESEM).


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