Saturday, February 27, 2010

Engagement Card Sayings

CODEMUM role model adopted to implement more than 23 million pesos

transparent and participatory in meeting the Municipal Development Council (CODEMUN) approved the application of 23 million 130 thousand 350 pesos Fund Municipal Social Investment (FISM) in the 52 communities that comprise the territory of Amanalco Becerra. Led
the workshop by the municipal president, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin, very early, we analyzed the general amounts to different areas of social investment and, at the end of the session, it was agreed that a significant portion of resources are directed to public works.
In this way the representatives of the 52 communities that make up the territory over municipal officials who also have the charge into the CODEMUM directors approved the distribution and execution of the 23 million 313 thousand 350 pesos.
During the meeting, which was one of the longest, they listened to the concerns of each board, contributions were discussed and agreed decisions that will benefit the population of the municipality.
Also under this participatory environment, is named Ramón Jiménez Eduardo Rebollo, as Secretary of the Municipal Development Council and Abelino Lucas García, as a member of Control and Supervision of the same. Similarly
validated directors CODEMUM the Rules of Procedure which will operate and will apply throughout the fiscal year 2010.
After the meeting, the Municipal President, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin, PRI extraction was pleased that once again was the decision of the people's representatives, who gave shape and direction to the implementation of budgetary resources
Hoped that each of the actions that are taken are of broad FISM and solve collective benefit, gradually, the historic remnants of the communities, because he warned, the current administration working overtime to achieve better quality of public services and of life of families amanalquenses.


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