Monday, May 24, 2010

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Undertakes Capacity Basket Bicentennial program

Amanalco celebrate Bicentennial with better food

* Mayor Gerardo Guadarrama Colin also delivered materials for the development of communities .

Thousands of low-income families receive during the last weeks of May Bicentennial Basket food program, pop the state government and the City Council drew up Amanalco As an additional measure to improve the nutritional quality of the population, said the mayor, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin.
The mayor expressed his appreciation with the government of Enrique Peña Nieto because they said the celebration of the Bicentennial of the War of Independence will celebrate it helping to create better living conditions of the governed. Colin
Guadarrama also expressed his gratitude that the municipality of Amanalco channeled a significant amount of groceries in the shape of basket Bicentennial, this, that will improve the nutritional quality of low-income families. Accompanied
office responsible for regionalization State Government, Marcela González Velasco and the head of municipal DIF, Rocio Vilches Luis, the mayor insisted that the administration is committed to generating leads the right conditions and social development in the first instance, serves as priority needs health food.
As an example, said that budget amounts are redirected to lower the running costs for large channel it works collective benefit.
Finally, Mayor Gerard Colin Guadarrama, the representative of the state government, Marcela González Velasco and the head of the municipal DIF, Rocio Vilches Luis, initiated the delivery of Baskets Bicentennial.
During the ceremony also handed over 25 tons of cement which will be used in the construction of health modules in the communities of Holy Water, The Potrero, San Bartolo, dust and the Municipal Center.
Also, Mayor Gerardo Colin handed buckets of latex paint for waterproofing and schools Octavio Paz, José Vasconcelos, Jorge Jiménez Cantú and Emilio R. Becerril. Similarly
and accompanied by Marcela Velasco, a computer gave the priest José Luis Alcántara to be useful in the administration of the parish of St. Jerome, as well as 200 Amanalco
asbestos sheets and buckets of yellow paint to improve housing in traffic dust and the municipal and fittings and sidewalks of the main streets of the Municipal Center. Guadarrama Colin
facilitated the delivery of blankets to families of high marginality of the community of Loma de San Sebastian and El Ancon.
In subsequent days, the President of the municipal DIF making the delivery of Baskets Bicentennial in all communities that make up the municipality of Amanalco Becerra.


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