Monday, May 24, 2010

Ucr Dental Explanation

Gerardo Colin demonstrates leadership and

Gerardo Colin

shows ... Leadership and Management Capacity
with roads in Pueblo Nuevo

Proceeds from the intense efforts of the municipal president PRI, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin, started the construction of the highway connecting the towns of Pueblo Nuevo, San Sebastián El Grande and Providence in the west of the demarcation.
Although recent work undertaken is not covered in the list of commitments that the policies of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) signed before a notary public campaign is now possible thanks to Gerardo Colin knocked doors in the Federation and the State Government to attract additional resources to the regular budget.
With this, the dependencies National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples, the Federal Government and the State Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Mexico State (CEDIPIEM) agreed to provide funds for the construction of two kilometers and 400 meters linear pavement.
During the ceremony for the work, the mayor explained that the work will have an investment 9 million 575 thousand pesos, of which 2 million 200 thousand weights were provided by the city due to its concrete interest in the draft comprehensive community benefit.
conservative estimates, he said, projecting that in the early years of the roads, which meet the highest standards of quality, "will be used by at least 5 000 amanalquenses and benefits would be extended to the inhabitants of the neighboring municipalities.
"Thanks to the unity of the three levels of government since they are not seeing colors of party" crystallized the project and began work also generate co-benefits to communities. He explained the mayor.
"This is a result of tax pay. Good management carrying out our government is demonstrating that they are not seeing color or religion, but the common good of society the municipality. "
Accompanied by the delegate of the National Commission for Development of Indigenous Peoples (CDI), Carlos Peña, the representative of the State Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Mexico State (CEDIPIEM), the representative office regionalization, Everardo Rodriguez Estrada, the mayor gave the starting signal of the machinery started working on the paving.
"In this administration the words are coming true and commitments are being met, "he concluded the mayor.


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