Sunday, January 23, 2011

Handsanitizer Clean Pacifier

95% of commitments will be fulfilled in 2011

After confirming that throughout the year that starts the municipal government will redouble efforts to bring more benefits to the people, Mayor Gerardo Guadarrama Colin, said that in this fiscal year will when one hundred percent completed the 17 agreements signed before a notary public and offered to the public during the political-electoral campaign.
"We have great expectations for 2011," said the mayor and said that while not have many financial resources, will station to generate significant savings to channel resources towards the enhancement of the public works and programs that benefit directly to the public.
That way you can achieve the project path to the end of 2011 the 17 works committed before a notary public will be finalized in its entirety.
"They seem small, but the action required to meet these commitments can not be taken from the branch 33 has to be taken from other areas or their own efforts. That is the special feature and we're thinking that this year close to 60 percent of the commitments, "he reiterated.
"If things go, as at today, and counting with the support of the state governor, Enrique Peña Nieto, I think for 2011 will be very beneficial to Amanalco and we will be closing with a flourish, because the next year be failing everyone. "
revealed that at the end of 2010 will have met, at least 11 works of the agreements signed and can be special emphasis on making the conclusion the remaining 6 this year. Guadarrama Colin
assure that the administration understands that leading starts the year will be a lot of work and double shifts, but you have to do it that way because it is urgent to solve many of the requests of the population.
"We have to serve the public can not be less than 2010, must be better, we must raise the quality of life of the population, although there will be some months you can not do much about the electoral situation, but I have fully confident that we will ahead in everything that we have set. "


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