Sunday, January 23, 2011

Urine And White Particles In Light Urin

Amanalco have excellent results in 2011

The year 2011 is emblematic of the population Amanalco, since the City Council the 95 percent of the agreements signed before a notary public , which will bring substantial benefits in the growth of road infrastructure, electrification, water supply networks of drinking and upgrades to school facilities, community meeting places and, of course, to strengthen health care programs.
This anticipated by Mayor Gerardo Guadarrama Colin during his New Year message made at each site visited on the occasion of Epiphany. There, with teachers, parents and students benefiting, acknowledged that the year just started will be marked by the rivalry that take precedence over political parties, but believed that that scenario should not be an excuse to stop municipal development program.

"moments come politicians, party competition and no doubt will rule the best knowledge to meet commitments. (But) in any way this can come to disrupt the work or the President municipal or students or teachers, "he said.

asked the population to strengthen the partnership with the City in order to prevent the party competition affects the development of work in the municipality. Through the "unity can do great things" and it is important to avoid political rivalry "us part."
"It will be a tough year, a year of hard work, but especially would like to ask parents, to maintain the unity that we have today, because politicians are times where many parties arrived and no doubt will remain the best to govern. " While attending
a la escuela primaria Emilio Román Becerril, el edil expresó que el objetivo primordial de la actual administración es “trabajar en beneficio de las instituciones educativas” porque es desde donde se gesta el desarrollo económico en el futuro.
Al plantel acudió a inaugurar la rehabilitación general del inmueble, la impermeabilización y pintado así como la entrega de dos espacios que serán utilizados para biblioteca y bodega.
“Una prioridad de Gerardo Colín fue fortalecer la educación y lo vamos a hacer, porque queremos tener escuelas dignas. A la mayor parte de las escuelas de Amanalco les han tocado mejoras”.
Luego de escuchar agradecimientos de padres de familia y personal academic, pledged that during the current fiscal year as revamped Civic Plaza and improve the floors of some classrooms.
"At the time, your server was to ask the favor, give him a chance to be President and my fellow city councilors and taste that we commit" to meet your requests.


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