Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Is The Purpose Of Mudding

Amanalco Gerardo Colin Highlights Environmental Vision

Amanalco Municipal Government and the Ministry of Environment 277 ecotecnias delivered in 13 locations in the river, in order to dignify the family development and to adopt radical measures for the conservation of biodiversity.

During an official ceremony held at the esplanade of the municipal seat of the Executive, Mayor Gerardo Guadarrama Colin appreciated the strong support given by the Ministry of Environment of the state government, because in this way has increased collection services domestic and commercial waste.

specified that in terms of ecotecnias 81 are dry toilets, which do not require water to operate, saving stoves, which prevents the destruction of forests, 120 tanks of rain water catchment for towns nestled in a rich forest area.

Recognizing the valuable contribution of the Minister of the Environment, Gustavo Monroy Cárdenas, the munícipe amanalquense, said: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank the it has provided support to Amanalco, as solid waste collection truck "which enabled us to expand the collection to 80 percent.

"This act is proof that when the word is committed, it meets the commitments made to strengthen the work of an efficient government."

Meanwhile, Undersecretary of the Environment of the State Government, María Mercedes Guadarrama Colin external thanking the municipal council and the executive by the enthusiasm shown during the development of eco-program, because immediately, building materials were released known as aggregates (gravel and sand) to produce works in the 277 family homes.

urged people to continue working with the municipal presidency because he justified, only in this way will achieve substantial progress in the dignity of the quality of life.

In turn, the Secretary of the Environment, Gustavo Monroy Cárdenas was welcomed to the program ecotecnias a notable development in Amanalco and recalled that, precisely, this municipality was today successful pilot scheme of collective benefit.

therefore anticipated that by the year 2011, the program is guaranteed to lower ecotecnias benefits amanalquenses families, especially because the President municipal, Gerardo Colin has proved to be a person who wishes to implement measures for the populations and the environment.

"The mayor is a very hard worker, creates a good atmosphere among those working at City Hall and the energy that has to be a citizen of this county, is an energy that finds the coincidence of people living in Amanalco ".

also said that in coming weeks, also will get another solid waste collection truck, because that was delivered recently has given an efficient and dynamic.

Gerardo Colin said, "has a president esforzado por no dejar abandonado el tema de la recolección de la basura, que es un tema de mucha importancia, pero al que no todo mundo le entra. Aquí el Presidente municipal, todos los días envías los residuos sólidos de Amanalco y los depositas en un lugar autorizado por la Secretaría y esto ojala lo hicieran todos los presidentes municipales”.

De igual forma anticipó que junto con la subsecretaria, María Mercedes, “vamos a sumar esfuerzos para esfuerzos para ver que otros recursos te conseguimos para que puedas darle respuesta a los programas de banquetas, guarniciones, encementados, puentes, drenaje y de todo aquello que tenga que ver con el desarrollo de la comunidad. Pero particularmente lo que is related to citizen participation. "


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