Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pokemon Crystal End Sheet Music

Furniture to School Site Delivery

* Education is one of the main areas in which they work on daily Amanalco benefit of 9 000 students.

In a move more to improve school quality in the municipality, the mayor of Amanalco, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin gave computers, chairs academic and sports boards dozens of public educational institutions.

In a ceremony held at the esplanade of City Hall and accompanied by the representative of the state cabinet, Carlos Alberto Acra Alba and delegate of the Comptroller of the State Government, Sergio Velásquez Rodríguez, the mayor said the new equipment will be delivered too useful to improve the conditions in which infants are taught kindergarten levels, primary and secondary.

In particular, he said, the delivery of more modern computer equipment and efficient schools of different levels will increase opportunities for school improvement and staff of the new school generations.
Guadarrama said the current administration seeks to give a significant enhancement to public education sector and hence assume a strong commitment to improve infrastructure and conditions in which they receive every day, classes of about a thousand students from all levels in the municipality.

"is a commitment that has been progressing steadily. It was not signed before a notary public because this commitment can not end with a single work, "he said.

added that, consequently, there have been substantial advances in the different campuses by building classrooms, perimeter fences, multipurpose rooms and the renovation its infrastructure.

Finally, Gerardo Colin thanked the support received from the State Government for the delivery of housing and educational material, because despite economic downturns mexiquense the president, Enrique Peña Nieto, continues to address the pressing needs of schools Amanalco.


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