Sunday, May 15, 2011

Why So Many Trannies In Brazil?

Gerardo Colin Little Mothers and children celebrates Gerardo Colin

* In addition to school-age infants municipal authority gave presents to children in arms and under two years.
* Announced the opening of the new facilities of DIF and clinical rehabilitación para próximos días.

Miles de juguetes de alta calidad fueron distribuidos en todas las localidades que integran la municipalidad tanto por el Ayuntamiento como por el DIF amanalquense, con el propósito de festejar a la población infantil.

Desde mediados de la semana anterior, el Presidente municipal, Gerardo Colín Guadarrama y la titular del DIF de Amanalco, María del Rocío Vilchis Luis, iniciaron sendos recorridos por las localidades sin importar su lejanía ni lo remoto de su ubicación.

En la comunidad de Rincón de Guadalupe, el alcalde amanalquense, Gerardo Colín Guadarrama inició la entrega de regalos que despertaron furor entre los niños y sus padres.

Ahí, externó su satisfacción por lograr aportar regalos para hacer más feliz a la infancia del municipio y precisó que con el firme propósito de beneficiar a todos los niños de Amanalco, se decidió hacer la distribución de forma abierta y no sólo en los planteles escolares.

“Se hacía en las escuelas” pero en virtud de que “no todos los niños vienen a la schools. There are two little ones who do not have the opportunity not to be in kindergarten or elementary school. So we made the determination that all events were open, so that from the baby's arms to some girls "can enjoy the gifts, he said.

Later, in the town of El Pedregal said that by handing out toys is another way of thanks from the municipal authority to the town that gave its support during the last election and now in governance.

"We are going back to say 'thanks for the support they are giving us until today' because there is nothing supported us over the election day, it became clear that even today we count on your support. " Guadarrama Colin

also announced the upcoming opening of the new facilities of DIF and rehabilitation clinic that was achieved thanks to the support of Mexican governor Enrique Peña Nieto, who incidentally, has been widely Amanalco benefit.

Finally, in San Francisco, the mayor said that as a result of healthy financial management, creativity in the design and implementation of public works and the strong support of the citizenry in the different government actions, has achieved so far 85 percent of the commitments Gerardo Colin bid in the field, are met.


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