Monday, August 9, 2010

Can A Doctor Identify An Avute Hiv Rash

1st Gerardo Guadarrama Colin

70% of commitments to citizenship ... compliments!

* City exceeded the goals for the first year in office
* About three thousand people heard by word of mouth results municipal authority. * Government
creative, efficient and plural inking stamps administration headed by Gerardo Guadarrama Colin

70 percent of the commitments made to citizens by the current City Hall will be fulfilled during the year, revealed the mayor, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin, who stressed that the figure reflects the effective management, honest and transparent budgetary resources and the broad equity in income distribution.
During the official ceremony of first report of work carried out in the square Fabila Alfonso Montes de Oca, adjacent to City Hall, the mayor explained that the 17 commitments made during the election campaign, is currently completed in its entirety 3 that are the perimeter fence of the Ignacio Manuel Altamirano primary, rehabilitation of streets and building kiosk in San Juan and the construction of classroom in Corral de Piedra.
Meanwhile, 90 percent is the work that will lead to the expansion of the grid in El Pedregal and the remaining construction between 20 and 50 percent, among which are: rehabilitation of drinking water system The zacatonal; Bicentennial Touring construction in El Capulin, Potrero and Holy Water, changing the light phase biphasic in San Mateo, rehabilitation of water system in the Capital City, the water system in San Bartolo, completion of the offices Municipal Football League, construction of sanitary units on the sports fields of different communities.
Amid an atmosphere of tranquility, accompanied by the ten rulers who are members of the council, the Ministry of Urban Development of the State Government, Marcela González Velasco and special guests such as mayors, Donato Guerra, Alfredo Arriaga Albarran, of Villa Victoria Mario Santana Carbajal; Valle de Bravo, Gabriel Olvera Hernandez, Villa de Allende, Ubaldo Morón and Ixtapan del Oro, Eduardo Suarez, the Mayor stated that the intense amanalquense successes were the product of creativity in the administration of public finances.

Guadarrama Colin said the hallmarks of the administration who are leading the optimization of resources, greater austerity in operating expenses and "enormous willingness to find alternatives for the development" community.
Thus, it was possible that "more than 50 percent of the works were carried out under the mode of administration" that is, the community contributed labor and materials municipal government. "This means that in some cases, it could make the expansion of the targets" by the savings generated citizen input, "And therefore, also generate a number of direct and indirect jobs where the work was done" .

For this reason it will have positive results for the current year as the paving of 11.72 linear miles, 3 bridges, 13 different classrooms in public school campuses, 9 perimeter fences also in schools well the rehabilitation of 16 schools.
In that vein, extending the network of rural electrification in 8 communities modernize 8 sets of water distribution, among which the "de San Jeronimo 2 nd section that involved the installation of 9 thousand linear feet of pipes of different diameters and the installation and the installation of 249 household connections. "
also highlighted the expansion of the potable water network of the Municipal Center to provide better service once they complete the work that is currently underway. Gerardo
Colin stressed that in the twelve months in office were cleaned and dredging about 2.5 miles of rivers and ditches, river, changed the mode of power grid in San Mateo, biphasic phase, thereby advancing the commercial sector and territorial craft that portion. Similarly
reported the issuer's ongoing construction of the sewage treatment plant header to "work which is an increase of 72%, with an investment of 5 million pesos as well as having undertaken the introduction of the line potable water piping in San Bartolo and at the time, recorded an increase of 29 percent with an investment of 3 million 800 thousand pesos.
"In coordination with the Institute Mexican Social Security took place the adequacy of 4 spaces for the construction of four rural medical units. In which the City has improved the ground to receive the buildings as well as electrification, having a power far in 3 of them. It is appropriate to recognize the recipients of these communities have provided the ground. "

face almost three thousand attendees at the central plaza, made that "the path we have followed has been improvised. We adhere to the Municipal Development Plan and the Urban what has led us to take actions and decisions. With therefore established to address the urgent priorities without neglecting the necessary, "stated categorically to highlight successes.
He indicated that due to atypical rains beginning of February, were devastated farmland and homes in several locations, so that emergency measures were undertaken Program Inclement Weather Contingency as the delivery of films over two thousand 125 families and construction material.
Also within this scheme assistance is given financial support to farmers who lost their crops and trout farms with new babies.
However, during the contingency that caused the flooding of the river Amanalco, the City "replied renting acquiring heavy machinery and pumps, as well as assist with various programs to those affected."
The mayor said that during this year of managing the municipality was named "House of Bicentennial Village" by the Ministry of Tourism of the state and one of the first benefits will have a million pesos for the construction of The Arc Bicentennial, in the main entrance.
Among other achievements emphasized the implementation of the Centre for Innovation and Business Development (ICW) which incubates entrepreneurs productive projects of the municipality. It delivered about 2 million pesos and support to the field, two tractors were purchased for the automation of field as well as the reactivation of 642 cards Engaged Women Entrepreneurs Program.
In terms of achievements in environmental conservation, said that 80 000 trees were replanted throughout the municipality.
said that there have been 52 meetings of council, made 42 tours of work and, as a citizen of the widespread attention that is given at City Hall, 367 thousand were attended public hearings.
Gerardo Guadarrama Colin Amanalco considered that the real action needs to encourage the development and progress and saw no need for politicians to remain only in the simple offering.
"The people of Amanalco must be certain that in the first year of this administration authorities have been attentive reception of their demands and proposals, but also that we have a government commitment to implement and realize in practice, the campaign bids. "
"We are heirs to a culture of effort and not of chance or improvisation. There are men and women of promise, but we are representatives of a municipality that we were born and trained to serve us. "
stated that the City "rules for all without distinction of any kind and the strength that distinguishes us."
"Amanalco live in harmony, working in unity and overcome is achieving goals and achieve dreams that come by way of a truly integrated and sustained development. "
Amanalco urged the people to continue "working together on a new journey for the municipality to move forward, because we are forging a better future for you and your family, always with the commitment to serve all."
Finally, he acknowledged the continued support of the governor, Enrique Peña Nieto to the City Council and the general population Amanalco.
"Our recognition of his visionary social policy and the regionalization strategy has given many fruits. The people are with their Amanalco project and is only working by all State of Mexico, "he said.


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