Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Should You Shave If You Have Herpes

Reforestation Campaign 2010 Corral de Piedra

Receive Bicentennial Tree Amanalco

Amanalco, Mex .- The work restoration and preservation of the forest have a positive effect on economic development of the town's inhabitants because in creating jobs, mitigate the phenomenon of migration and the consequent breakdown of the family, considered the mayor, Colin Gerardo Guadarrama, during the commemoration of World Tree.
In a formal ceremony held at the Stone Corral Ecological Reserve, one of the highest points of the territory ", the mayor also initiated Amanalco Reforestation Campaign 2010, which aims to plant more than 6 000 small trees.
Accompanied by Marcela Velasco, Secretary of State and representative of local government, said Colin Amanalco Guadarrama is a town with proven apt for forest that has developed a broad culture of safeguarding and preservation of coniferous forest.
"Our municipality has a vocation mainly forest and have shown that we care for our forest resources and take advantage of reforestation to restore the natural resources available to us, "said the mayor. He said
Amanalco Becerra has plenty of experience to support that greater care and respect for the forest is reflected in better human and community development.
"The care of forests mitigates migration, prevent family breakdown, illegal logging and land use change. Mainly contributes to improved environmental conditions, recharging aquifers and improving the quality of life amanalquenses. "
stressed the desirability of adopting mechanisms of sustainable use that enable people to have a better surrounding environment and gainful employment in rural areas and even the economic benefits of produce in distant cities.
"Forests and woodlands are generating environmental services and a source of employment and economic benefit, both in rural as in urban areas." Gerardo Colin
he received from Marcela Velasco González an offshoot of the Bicentennial Tree, which comes from the historic tree that is located in the municipality of Aculco and during the uprising of insurgents lined the Mass held on Miguel cure Hidalgo to his troops on December 8 1810.
“El día de hoy Amanalco recibe el Árbol del Bicentenario en un marco de respeto, civilidad y patriotismo” y anunció que será plantado en la plaza principal, aledaña al Palacio Municipal.


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