Saturday, August 14, 2010

Squatting With Stress Fracture Ankle


Chilenos en el peru. The daily life of Chileans abroad is almost the same fate of Peruvians in Chile. Rather have the same job. A minority of Chileans are big business in peru. Good products and Chilean companies are conosidos by Peruvians. Some Chileans work as bricklayers. Other Products and sellers. Other Workers in factories of Chilean products. All Chileans are happy to live in peru. Peruvian people design is excellent and good. We thought they were like all Peruvians to Chile. But the picture is different at the airport. No one takes interest in where you are I've even seen people very wind carries with foreigners. I'm glad to see alos Peruvians do things how are you. He said a Chilean who addressed the lima airport peru. The Peruvian economy grows every day the immigration sets in the other way around. Currently 60 percent of Peruvians do not want to go abroad. whereas in Chile, 60 percent want to leave their country. Peru is the economic eye of the Latin American countries. Europeans. Asian. Chile has the same number of Peruvians in Chile. Argentina is doubling alos Peruvians in Argentina. Bolovianos Colombians arrive every day. peru rather live a constant immigration of South American countries. in search of a better future.


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