Sunday, May 15, 2011

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Special Care Clinic Inaugurated in Amanalco

As implies a decisive step towards social progress, the City and the state DIF (DIFEM), opened the Basic Unit of Rehabilitation (UBRIS) on behalf of hundreds of people with disabilities.

at noon DIFEM director, Laura Barrera Fortuol, the head of DIF Amanalco, Maria del Rocio Vilches Luis and the municipal president, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin cut the ribbon and toured the two-story facility houses areas therapies, psychology, general medicine and advocacy.

addition, in the same building, also houses the new headquarters of DIF Amanalco marking the modernization of the welfare agency.

During the formal ceremony, Barrera Fortuol thanked the strong interest of the holder of the DIF and crystallize Amanalco to manage the creation of the new Basic Clinical Rehabilitation.

Vilchis said that Luis is one of the leaders of great concepts for the benefit of the people going through difficult times and evidence of this is that since the beginning of the management did everything possible to be built the new clinic care
Fortuol Barrera recalled that as recently as 15 days, the support gave DIFEM for 400 thousand dollars in equipment for special attention and, now, are added 200 thousand pesos to complete the equipment.

In turn, the head of the DIF Amanalco, Rocio Vilches Luis, thanked the tireless support and Laura Barrera DIFEM to address the requests that have been made for the less fortunate.

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IMSS Hospital Inaugurated in Amanalco

The governor of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, the mayor of the municipality, Gerardo Colin uadarrama and the President of the Republic, Felipe Calderón inaugurated the Hospital IMSS-Oportunidades in header for the benefit of thousands of people in the region, which will bring down the rates of marginality and poverty on health.
During the opening ceremony attended by more than three thousand people, it was pointed out in the mutual contribution between the Federal, state and municipality to achieve higher levels of welfare among the population segments most in need.

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Gerardo Colin Little Mothers and children celebrates Gerardo Colin

* In addition to school-age infants municipal authority gave presents to children in arms and under two years.
* Announced the opening of the new facilities of DIF and clinical rehabilitación para próximos días.

Miles de juguetes de alta calidad fueron distribuidos en todas las localidades que integran la municipalidad tanto por el Ayuntamiento como por el DIF amanalquense, con el propósito de festejar a la población infantil.

Desde mediados de la semana anterior, el Presidente municipal, Gerardo Colín Guadarrama y la titular del DIF de Amanalco, María del Rocío Vilchis Luis, iniciaron sendos recorridos por las localidades sin importar su lejanía ni lo remoto de su ubicación.

En la comunidad de Rincón de Guadalupe, el alcalde amanalquense, Gerardo Colín Guadarrama inició la entrega de regalos que despertaron furor entre los niños y sus padres.

Ahí, externó su satisfacción por lograr aportar regalos para hacer más feliz a la infancia del municipio y precisó que con el firme propósito de beneficiar a todos los niños de Amanalco, se decidió hacer la distribución de forma abierta y no sólo en los planteles escolares.

“Se hacía en las escuelas” pero en virtud de que “no todos los niños vienen a la schools. There are two little ones who do not have the opportunity not to be in kindergarten or elementary school. So we made the determination that all events were open, so that from the baby's arms to some girls "can enjoy the gifts, he said.

Later, in the town of El Pedregal said that by handing out toys is another way of thanks from the municipal authority to the town that gave its support during the last election and now in governance.

"We are going back to say 'thanks for the support they are giving us until today' because there is nothing supported us over the election day, it became clear that even today we count on your support. " Guadarrama Colin

also announced the upcoming opening of the new facilities of DIF and rehabilitation clinic that was achieved thanks to the support of Mexican governor Enrique Peña Nieto, who incidentally, has been widely Amanalco benefit.

Finally, in San Francisco, the mayor said that as a result of healthy financial management, creativity in the design and implementation of public works and the strong support of the citizenry in the different government actions, has achieved so far 85 percent of the commitments Gerardo Colin bid in the field, are met.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pokemon Crystal End Sheet Music

Furniture to School Site Delivery

* Education is one of the main areas in which they work on daily Amanalco benefit of 9 000 students.

In a move more to improve school quality in the municipality, the mayor of Amanalco, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin gave computers, chairs academic and sports boards dozens of public educational institutions.

In a ceremony held at the esplanade of City Hall and accompanied by the representative of the state cabinet, Carlos Alberto Acra Alba and delegate of the Comptroller of the State Government, Sergio Velásquez Rodríguez, the mayor said the new equipment will be delivered too useful to improve the conditions in which infants are taught kindergarten levels, primary and secondary.

In particular, he said, the delivery of more modern computer equipment and efficient schools of different levels will increase opportunities for school improvement and staff of the new school generations.
Guadarrama said the current administration seeks to give a significant enhancement to public education sector and hence assume a strong commitment to improve infrastructure and conditions in which they receive every day, classes of about a thousand students from all levels in the municipality.

"is a commitment that has been progressing steadily. It was not signed before a notary public because this commitment can not end with a single work, "he said.

added that, consequently, there have been substantial advances in the different campuses by building classrooms, perimeter fences, multipurpose rooms and the renovation its infrastructure.

Finally, Gerardo Colin thanked the support received from the State Government for the delivery of housing and educational material, because despite economic downturns mexiquense the president, Enrique Peña Nieto, continues to address the pressing needs of schools Amanalco.

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high nutritional quality in

In opening the basket assistance program Bicentennial 2011, City Hall and the DIF Amanalco, pantries distributed in the communities of San Bartolo, Holy Water and the Municipal Center.

The delivery of nutritional support will improve the quality nutritional status of vulnerable groups in all areas that constitute the river, said the mayor, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin and he said that is one of the main strategies of the government authorities to bring down the marginalization and poverty.

Accompanied by the Director of Mexiquense Institute of Physical Culture and Sport, Carlos Alberto Acra Alba, stressed that the effort to deliver groceries to the majority of the population is in compliance with the offer that was made in the field, that distribution should be equitable and without discrimination.

"Gerardo is a commitment that Colin was at the time to citizens programs that reach fairly and without distinguishing parties or religions. "

At the end of his speech, asked the public to maintain unity and social cohesion "regardless of ideology" because, he said, only when there is unity in a society can achieve substantial progress.

For its part, the head of DIF Amanalco, Vilchis Luis María del Rocío, revealed that during this first issue was distributed to the beneficiaries the equivalent of 3 two months of 2011 and will be until August of this year upon completion of the 4 th Bi-monthly delivery.

said that the intention is to support all families community but the lack of resources prevents, however, provides a good amount of groceries that will allow food aid to families with fewer resources.

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Amanalco Gerardo Colin Highlights Environmental Vision

Amanalco Municipal Government and the Ministry of Environment 277 ecotecnias delivered in 13 locations in the river, in order to dignify the family development and to adopt radical measures for the conservation of biodiversity.

During an official ceremony held at the esplanade of the municipal seat of the Executive, Mayor Gerardo Guadarrama Colin appreciated the strong support given by the Ministry of Environment of the state government, because in this way has increased collection services domestic and commercial waste.

specified that in terms of ecotecnias 81 are dry toilets, which do not require water to operate, saving stoves, which prevents the destruction of forests, 120 tanks of rain water catchment for towns nestled in a rich forest area.

Recognizing the valuable contribution of the Minister of the Environment, Gustavo Monroy Cárdenas, the munícipe amanalquense, said: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank the it has provided support to Amanalco, as solid waste collection truck "which enabled us to expand the collection to 80 percent.

"This act is proof that when the word is committed, it meets the commitments made to strengthen the work of an efficient government."

Meanwhile, Undersecretary of the Environment of the State Government, María Mercedes Guadarrama Colin external thanking the municipal council and the executive by the enthusiasm shown during the development of eco-program, because immediately, building materials were released known as aggregates (gravel and sand) to produce works in the 277 family homes.

urged people to continue working with the municipal presidency because he justified, only in this way will achieve substantial progress in the dignity of the quality of life.

In turn, the Secretary of the Environment, Gustavo Monroy Cárdenas was welcomed to the program ecotecnias a notable development in Amanalco and recalled that, precisely, this municipality was today successful pilot scheme of collective benefit.

therefore anticipated that by the year 2011, the program is guaranteed to lower ecotecnias benefits amanalquenses families, especially because the President municipal, Gerardo Colin has proved to be a person who wishes to implement measures for the populations and the environment.

"The mayor is a very hard worker, creates a good atmosphere among those working at City Hall and the energy that has to be a citizen of this county, is an energy that finds the coincidence of people living in Amanalco ".

also said that in coming weeks, also will get another solid waste collection truck, because that was delivered recently has given an efficient and dynamic.

Gerardo Colin said, "has a president esforzado por no dejar abandonado el tema de la recolección de la basura, que es un tema de mucha importancia, pero al que no todo mundo le entra. Aquí el Presidente municipal, todos los días envías los residuos sólidos de Amanalco y los depositas en un lugar autorizado por la Secretaría y esto ojala lo hicieran todos los presidentes municipales”.

De igual forma anticipó que junto con la subsecretaria, María Mercedes, “vamos a sumar esfuerzos para esfuerzos para ver que otros recursos te conseguimos para que puedas darle respuesta a los programas de banquetas, guarniciones, encementados, puentes, drenaje y de todo aquello que tenga que ver con el desarrollo de la comunidad. Pero particularmente lo que is related to citizen participation. "

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blood Plasma Orange County

PRACTICE 10. Two lamps with switch installation.

We will install two lamps commuted from two points. Materials needed

  • Two lamps
  • two lamp wiring (Phase, Neutral)
  • two commutator switches.
  • Junction Box Terminals connection
  • breaker

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What Gauge Are Big Safety Pins?

PRACTICE 9. Installation of three lamps, parallel-series mounting

We must make the installation of two lamps in parallel in series with another lamp. Materials needed

  • 3 lamps
  • Hilo Hilo Netro
  • phase
  • magneto
  • 1 Junction Box Terminals for connection

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Fabric Should I Use For A Pencil Skirt

Enrique Peña in Hacienda Nueva Delivery Payments for Environmental Services

Amanalco, Mex .- The implementation of the program Payment for Hydrological Environmental Services will ensure the sustainability of forests amanalquenses the benefit of millions of inhabitants of central Mexico, considered the municipal president, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin, who called it a wise measure, innovative and precedent in the government work on environmental conservation.
In welcoming the state governor, Enrique Peña Nieto, the mayor acknowledged that ejidatarios will benefit broadly and may continue with greater determination of action to protect, maintain and increase forest cover. "
acknowledged that the absence of a payment to the holders of the forest of the entity has a sustainable funding source to encourage putting forest preservation and thus, achieve economic sustainability of communities nestled in these areas.
"We express our gratitude to your government, the importance that is to have that stable funding source," he reiterated with more than five thousand people to the community Hacienda Nueva, where he held the president's state visit.
Guadarrama Colin took the opportunity to thank the Mexican governor's support it has provided through the Ministry of Environment as the construction of eco-techniques, the provision of a truck solid waste collection because, he said, "these comprehensively strengthen the environment "the municipality.

The municipal president ended his speech by highlighting that the City is headed "his example, a working example, with one of the best strategies to meet each of the commitments both state municipal "and assure that people and their authorities are "grateful, Mr. Governor, met the commitments and the support they give us daily."
In turn, the Mexican governor, Enrique Peña Nieto, referred to as an action program just to those who safeguard the forests of the state, because it is designed as a mechanism of self-financing and support.
explained that by paying water users mexiquenses made, 3.5 percent of shares, formed an initial fund of 230 million pesos, which will be expanded.
Simultaneously, the state government is about to reach the figure of 100 million trees replanted along and breadth of State of Mexico, and established a mechanism that rewards those who achieve the survival of over 70 percent of the trees.
Near the end of his speech, Peña Nieto recalled that Becerra Amanalco municipality has a particularly distinctive because when I visited in the field most people gave him hospitality and care.
"Becerra Amanalco have for your server, including memory in the memory, when we began the tour of the state to solicit the support and confidence of the State of Mexico, that led us to be on this responsibility of being the Mexican governor."

"So it gives me particular gladly return to Amanalco. I remember that event in the center of this town where we had a great concentration of people who answered our call. Today I return to tell the amanalquenses we met, he fulfilled a Amanalco and we are doing across the state of Mexico.
"Amanalco has been a town that has benefited from these government actions, has more space for education, has a better road infrastructure and project reflects what we have done throughout the state. Toluca-Amanalco road was one of the first commitments to fulfill, after many years he was in terrible condition.
and ended with the sentence: "Amanalco Thanks for your hospitality, for being a friend of the governor of the state."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Streaming The_training_of_o

8 Installation Practice Series - Parallel

Practice No. 8, Mount Series - Parallel ....

Here, try to make an installation of two lamps, in parallel with a third lamp ....

materials we need ...:
  • 3 Lampholder
  • 1 Switch 1
  • Pia 16A
  • 1 Junction Box
  • Wiring (Cable Phase, Neutral)
  • Connection Terminals
  • Corrugated Tube
Video on the proper functioning of the practice divided the video into 3 parts ...

Free Kate Playground Nipples

Practice 7, Installation of a lamp with two switches in parallel .....

Practice 7; Installing a
lamp with two switches in parallel ...

In this practice we will try to connect two switches in parallel, a point of light ...

need a range of materials ....:

1x breaker
1x junction box
Switch 2x
lamp 1x
1x Lampholder
Terminals connection
phase and neutral wire
corrugated tube

Video on the smooth functioning of practice No. 7 .....

Soldiers Coversation Over A Walkie Talkie

Practice 6: Installation of a lamp with two switches in series

Practice 6: Installation of a lamp
with two switches in series ....

This practice will try to do an installation of a lamp connected to 2 switches in series ...

practice riding need these materials:

1x breaker
1x junction box
Switch 2x
lamp 1x
1x Socket
Terminals for connection
phase and neutral wire
corrugated tube

Video on the proper functioning of the practice ...

How Long Should Pube Be

Pracitca 5: Installation of 2 lamps in parallel

Practice 5: Installation of 2 lamps in parallel

This practice will try to make the installation of two lamps in parallel ...

To make this practice will need the following materials :

1x breaker
splice 1xCaja
Bornas de conexion
Hilo Fase y neutro
Tubo corrugado

Verificacion del funcionamiento de la practica....

Monday, February 7, 2011

How Do Sign A Letter Electronically ?

Bando 2011 Contemporary Plural

Contemporary Plural the 2011 Bando

Little more than 20 substantial amendments to the Municipal Band of Amanalco Becerra made the City Council with the purpose of making the aforementioned date and efficient regulation.

During the ceremony marking the 94 anniversary of the promulgation of the Constitution of 1917, the municipal president, Gerardo Guadarrama Colin posted at various strategic points of the Municipal Center that focuses document regulating the region, authorities assistants did the same in the towns they represent.

In his speech, the mayor said Gerardo Colin published "more than 20 additions, the goal is to update our basic legal framework in such a way that responds to a project that fulfills our expectations in this period of government and generate a contribution to modernity. "

"The plurality of our band comes from a series of ideological consensus among the sectors town's social, in order to ensure the safety, security and sustainable development model which meets the needs and characteristics of this people. "

Accompanied by the ten rulers who are members of the council and the Secretary of the City Attorney and Trustee, the munícipe said that while in the past great liberators fought bloody battles for freedom and to achieve legal status for all Mexicans, who now make up the 2009-2012 City Council is to perpetuate democracy, individual rights and civic values.

"So it is my duty as President Amanalco municipal and as responsible for promoting civic values, to reiterate that I will continue implementing the commitments made. "

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Onkyo Of Harman Kardon

Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare [Full / Spanish] Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

After three deliveries set in World War II, Call of Duty change of scenery and moves in time to the races today, whose main focus is the terrorismo.Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has amazing graphics you'll find very realistic scenarios of cities with a great atmosphere of war, partially destroyed and in flames, visual effects impressive, as the volumetric smoke of explosions or gunfire armas; y réplicas muy detalladas de los carros de combate más modernos.  

La imagen ha sido redimensionada. Haga click en esta barra para ver la imagen completa en 943x164px.

• Minimos  

Sistema: Windows XP
CPU: Intel (R) Pentium (R) 4 2.4 GHz or AMD (R) Athlon (TM) 64 2800 + processor or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core or better
RAM: 512MB RAM (768MB for Windows Vista)
Hard disk space: 8GB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA (R) Geforce (TM) 6600 or better or ATI (R) Radeon (R) 9800Pro or better

• Recommended

System: Windows XP / Vista
CPU: 2.4 GHz dual core or higher
RAM: 1GB (XP), 2GB (Vista)
Hard disk space: 8 GB
card: 3.0 Shader Sport recommended. Nvidia Geforce 7800 or ATI Radeon X1800

The image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image 935x164px.

The image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image 947x164px.

Platform: PC
Number of Players: 1, 16 online
Genre: Action, First Person Shooters (FPS)
Theme: Belize
Developer: Infinity Ward
Distributed by: Activision
Also available on: Wii DS PS3 X360
Released: November 9, 2007
Recommended age (ESRB): 16 +

Version: Razor1911
Language: English + lyrics
Links: 450MB
Weight: 6.32GB
Password: Th3_Dub

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