Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Built-in Shower Shower Bench


"I apologize, I'm always very punctual," said President Michelle Bachelet to shake the hand of Patricio Aylwin in the entrance to the former Congress. It was past noon and arrived late to the commemoration of the victory of the No, 21 years ago.
Before entering the Hall of Honor, Bachelet and Aylwin went to an adjoining room. After a couple of minutes, they came out accompanied by the widow of Clodomiro Almeyda, Irma Caceres, and former presidents Ricardo Lagos and Eduardo Frei, for the launch of "Nearer dreams, beyond what is possible: The Coordination Chile. " The applause was long and standing.
In the first row, there were several ministers, except Edmundo PĂ©rez Yoma, with permission for the day and Francisco Vidal, in a military activity.
Bachelet was responsible for closing the act, making a strong appeal to the ruling: "We must get out more than ever to gain the trust of Chileans," he said to applause.
In that vein, the President launched a harsh challenge to the opposition. "They forget that when speculators drove our country, the labor force of arms, broken our economy, condemned to unemployment and poverty to half of the Chileans? (...) Forget that those who advocated this government? forget the PEM and POJH, communal kitchens, the terror of night, the operatives in the stocks? " said.
who had opened fire was Lagos. While acknowledging the "need to improve our political practices, to hear more," he concluded strongly defending the option-government, sparking a standing ovation.
This was repeated minutes later when a video showed several interviews and statements by ruling party heroes such as the recently deceased Edgardo Boeninger. Suddenly, the sequence of photographs showed fragments of the discourse of "young country" from Frei and then intervention by Salvador Allende. In both cases, the applause of Aylwin and Frei were fused with the rest.
Then was the turn of Frei. Along with insisting on "experience and seriousness "of the Coalition to govern, warned that" the arrogance of the right which seeks to lead the country (...) will lead us to social conflicts and problems. "In addition, he defended his actions as representative to the friction that had with the then army commander, Augusto Pinochet, and how he faced the Asian crisis, both aspects criticized during the campaign. On the relationship with the general said not to have led some episodes "appropriately, would have produced a crisis ". And before the recession, said" it would have been easy to go into debt to the country, but not responsible "


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