Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rent House After Prom


killing nine
Mapuche injuries of varying degrees have left the last days of protests in Temucuicui Ercilla commune where Police special forces have lashed out violently against the villagers. Among those injured by pellets are two minors, one wounded in his legs and another in the face when he was looking for their animals. He was also injured in the eye Catrillanca Paul, son of Ñizol Lonko the territory.
By Pedro Cayuqueo *
"Police kill is entering into the community and the Bachelet government dialogue."
The words of Temucuicui Community leader and spokesman for the Mapuche Land Alliance, Michael Carbone Queipul evidence the scene of terror that the villagers have had to live in recent days and show a balance of nine Mapuche injured two of them children who were hit by police bullets, one in the face and a second on his legs yesterday.
The police onslaught, steady in recent months, intensified the past week after the start of construction of trenches in the Fundo La Romana by René Urban farmer, so to prevent the entry of community over the lands claimed as their own.
coincides with the complaint for serious violations in previous days made by the Mapuche themselves Temucuicui before the Human Rights Commission of the Chamber of Deputies in Valparaiso.
According to Carbone, following recent repressive actions would be the interest government's actions self-defense force communities to minimize it to the international public opinion the grave violations and abuses by the security forces that affect them every day with their families.
"The government of Bachelet and adds thousands of wounded, tortured, killed several prisoners of conscience, political exempted, all Mapuche, as well as many Chileans. The situation is desperate, so we urge all individuals and organizations in solidarity to protest against the genocidal slaughter, "said the Mapuche werken.
During the day Saturday, to Angol and Victoria hospitals had to be moved two community Temucuicui, who were wounded by police riot shotguns.
One of the wounded was the youngest of only 12 years old, Alvaro Andres Coronado Huentecol. "We got eleven in the house when they came to tell who had injured the child. My son was helping to raise, because he was unconscious.
Then police started shooting and came to my son, "said Mary Queipul, mother of Humberto Andrés Araníbar Queipul, 20, another injured in the incident.
Young pellet had an impact on your eyelid, but apparently without compromising the eye, lesions classified as moderately serious.
Women stressed that they were gunned down two young men were "within the community," flatly ruling it was a product of their income or attack founded La Romana. Two ambulances
Samu Collipulli Victoria and arrived at the site of the event, moving the child to the hospital victoriense, while the commoner than 20 years allegedly refused at first to be treated, for fear of arrest.
The child was admitted with impacts of pellets in his legs and was admitted to the medical center in this community. Meanwhile, at about 21.15 hours, was admitted to Hospital de Angol on board an ambulance Collipulli Samu, Humberto Araníbar with his mother as the young man finally agreed to be transferred to hospital in the capital of Malleco. Both reported being attacked at close range by police.

Bloody Week Two villagers wounded yesterday joined seven others in the same sector, victims of police violence in previous days. Among the cases reported Territorial Alliance through a release is identified as another minor Marillen Felipe Morales, 10 years old, who was injured when he was looking for their animals. Al was diagnosed with a small wound in the parietal region without compromise, and if it is beyond life threatening, remains hospitalized at the medical center in Victoria.
From there, he claimed justice and called for the institution that investigates the case, to expel the prominent official in the country Mapuche.
"Let them give low no more because they have no right to take shots at me, I was doing nothing there, nor walked in the conflict," said Felipe. His mother, Ana Morales said as having "anger" by the attack.
"I have wanted to see the policeman who attacked my son and grab him, do not get that thing ... not. If I had something in my hands ... but kill me, but I give my life for my son, "he added. Mindful
diffusion of the case by the media on Friday, General Manager Carabineros, Eduardo Gordon, informó que “se están investigando los antecedentes” por lo que pidió “esperar los resultados”.
“Si algún funcionario nuestro se ve involucrado en un hecho tendrá que responder frente a la justicia que es la encargada de determinar y clarificar los hechos”, complementó.
Además de este lamentable hecho hay otros siete comuneros mapuches heridos en diversas partes del cuerpo, siendo el caso más grave el de Pablo Catrillanca Queipul, quien fue baleado en la espalda y en su ojo izquierdo al interior de la comunidad.
Catrillanca fue operado de urgencia en el Hospital Regional de Temuko y está a la espera de un diagnóstico que le permita know if you lose your eye or may restore vision.
Paul is the son of prominent Ñizol Lonko and leader of the Mapuche Land Alliance, Juan Catrillanca Antin, who said that the objective of police is simply hurting communities to intimidate them in their struggle.
An idea shared by the human rights lawyer and expert indigenous materials, Jaime Madariaga, who has been the cause of young Mapuche died after the eviction of the Fundo San Sebastian de Angol, Jaime Mendoza Collío. Madariaga
to police the actions of attack is unjustified because all Mapuche only one arrest.
"Police come to an indigenous community to make an arrest, as Temucuicui eg that the community has 150 homes and they will arrest a person who lives in one of those 150 houses, therefore, 150 doors are kicked, many people are battered and that is seen by children, "said the lawyer.
In recent days, the Fundo San Sebastian has also been the scene of police assaults, this after being peacefully occupied by commoners Requem Pillán, community to which he belonged Jaime Mendoza Collio.
spokesman Collipulli Ranquilco community, Rodrigo Curipán, arrested along with about a dozen villagers who occupied the site on Friday, said that claim ancestral rights to those lands.
He further clarified that the Mapuche group developed a peaceful occupation of character within the said property, being harassed by members of Special Forces of Carabineros.
"We have always sought to answer how the government solves the problem of land from communities and families, were doing something peaceful," he said.
Asked about that if once freed of the charges brought against them by the occupation, return to the site, "we will return," he replied.
Article originally published in the News Agency Azkintuwe


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