Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Reaso For Microsoft Framework

TRUTH, CHILEAN ARMY pure fantasy and hallucination

The Chilean Army is now the most modern in South America Afirmana its senior leaders in Chile. This statement may be something that many Chileans unknown, if we consider that only ten was an ill-equipped insttucion, troubled and bulky and if you add that during the two decades of transition to democracy has been beaten by episodic judgments Human Rights, unsolved crimes, the prosecution of Augusto Pinochet over and even scandals armamento.Pero transactions while all this information intermittently shook the news, down quietly, the high command began the largest military intervention since the establishment of the now defunct "National Security Doctrine" in the 60, which in turn was the largest since the "prusianización" the beginning of the century XX.La conceptual basis of this new change is that once they are detected significant changes in the "battlefield"-the imaginary land of armed conflict, "a modern army must change its operational doctrine, and then adapt their technology and later the disposition of their forces. This process should be continued and renewed in periods of about ten years. But ainstutucion is still below the Peruvian armed forces. peru has more number of computers upgraded moderandamenre sumnistrar pear, which save perefectamente chile, but refer to the deception of the country chile Chilean aluco that has better stats. if we put the indexes that country is in better condition in South America . This brazil, peru second, third Argentina, Chile quarter. what you just bought only an echo up a post. chile freak is something that used to.


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