Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sample Tagalog Birthday Message


Santiago de Chile, 5 oct (EFE) .- Bolivia will have observers at the military exercise "Salitre 2009" to be held in late October in northern Chile, Efe said the Bolivian defense minister, Walter San Miguel.
"We have been invited to joint exercises and aviation exercises. Let's note, based on these invitations, one or two observers," San Miguel said after talks in Santiago with Chilean Foreign Minister Mariano Fernandez.
Chile Peru also invited to send observers to this exercise, but officials in the neighboring country refused to do so and Defense Minister, Rafael Rey, even asked to suspend these trials.
Lima and Santiago have had several scrapes after the Peruvian government introduced in March, before the International Court of Justice in the Hague, a demand for delimiting the maritime boundary.
The military exercise will take place in late October in Antofagasta, located 1368 kilometers north of Santiago, with the participation of Brazil, United States, France and Argentina.
Bolivian Minister today held a meeting with Fernandez protocol in which discussed "bilateral issues related to the defense sector, mainly related to academic exchanges and peacekeeping missions."
The Chilean Foreign owner also conveyed "Some messages to the Bolivian Foreign Ministry," said San Miguel, who is visiting Chile to attend academic meetings.
"We are advancing a positive agenda of 13 points which is giving its first results," said the minister, adding that "the time for diplomacy is not always the times that you want."
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet and her Bolivian counterpart, Evo Morales, agreed in 2006 that thirteen-point agenda, which has led to an unprecedented rapprochement in bilateral relations.
The Minister attended the meeting accompanied by the Consul General of Bolivia in Chile, Freddy Bersatti, as these countries not have diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level since 1978. Asked
arms purchases from the countries of the region, San Miguel is simply noted that "Bolivia is not in an arms race. There is no economic conditions for it, because the priorities lie elsewhere, especially in the social area."
The minister did express his "concern" about the agreement negotiated with Washington Bogotá to allow use by U.S. military bases in Colombia.
"We believe that South America and has a personality that gives the shaft to face the challenges of security and internal together without the need of guardians," he said San Miguel.
The defense minister explained that no new meetings are planned in the framework of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) to address this issue, as he understands, he said, "approaches are being made" between Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela.


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